Saturday, December 1, 2012


This one is for the books...seriously! Connor tells me this evening on the way to BJ's, "Mom, I got in twouble at schoow today because we we wew waffing." I said, "Connor, why were you laughing?" He says, "I wipped one on the cawpet and we all waffed!" Ryan pipes in, "How big was your toot?" Connor says, " It was weawwy big...and my fwends waffed and so did I!" I said, "Connor, that is awesome! Did you say excuse me?" He said, "No!" Ryan starts yelling at Connor at how big it was and is accusing him of his gas not being as loud as Connor claims. I was laughing so hard! (Okay, what the heck is wrong with me!??...LOL) The argument continued with me saying, "Ryan, why do you care? You weren't there and I believe that Connor's toot was really loud because I've heard them! He has man gas!" Ryan says, "Connor! What did it sound like!?" Honestly, I pretty much lost it from that point because it reminded me of a Honey Boo Boo episode...actually many...and I couldn't stop laughing! Regardless, Ryan was FURIOUS with Connor's claim that his gas was really loud! LOLOL

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